Why you shouldn't accept a counter offer


Why you shouldn't accept a counter offer

Counter offers are prevalent in the cloud & IT infrastructure recruitment market.

As a candidate and employee, your niche technical skill set means you have the pick of cloud jobs.

It also means that your current employer won’t want to lose you.

If they give you a counter offer when you tell them you’re leaving, should you accept it?

Our Head of Delivery Jimmy Hearne has some great thoughts on the topic of counter offers:

“This is a subject I hear a lot about on a daily and weekly basis.

For me, the reasons why you should accept a counter offer are pretty few and far between.

Perhaps if an employer offers you shares in the business which are guaranteed now and not in a few years time for example, but even that is a stretch.

I believe they’re a bit of a kick in the teeth to be honest.

Why have you not received those promises from the start?

Why are you not valued, or feeling valued, before you hand in your notice?

Why are they not offering you a salary and benefits package you should expect for your level?

They can be a bit of a sticky situation.

9 out of 10 people who accept a counter offer want to leave again within the first six months.

At the end of the day, you’ve started to look for a new cloud job for a reason.

You haven’t started looking for a new job for any other reason than feeling that you are underpaid, undervalued or you’re going somewhere which is potentially better for your career.

For employers, I would advise you to look after your staff. Make sure you’re paying the market rates, that you show your appreciation for the people you already have in your business and are doing everything in your power to retain your staff. Ensure they feel valued, that they feel like they’re in a good career position. Offer training, career and personal development opportunities.

You really need to look after your own before you start looking for new starters.

If you do that, counter offers should be far less of an issue for everyone.”

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