Our Environmental Policy

Our Environmental Policy

InfraView are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation, and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do. 

InfraView upholds the privacy of our clients, candidates, and website users and visitors with extreme importance. Learn the details of our privacy policy here.

Our Policy, therefore, is to:

  1. Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities
  2. Minimise our waste and then reuse or recycle as much as is possible
  3. Minimise energy and water use within our buildings and processes to conserve supplies and minimise the consumption of natural resources
  4. As far as is possible, purchase products that do the least damage to the environment
  5. Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work
  6. Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner
  7. Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it
  8. Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop, and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programmes
  9. For every candidate we successfully place with a client, InfraView pledges to donate 10 trees to One Tree Planted. This initiative is aimed at mitigating the environmental impact of our operations and promoting the restoration and conservation of our planet's vital ecosystems.

In addition to our commitment to sustainable practices, Infraview pledges that for every placement we make, we will donate 10 trees to be planted in the UK through our partnership with OneTreePlanted. We recognize the importance of reforestation efforts in combating climate change and preserving biodiversity, and through this initiative, we aim to contribute positively to the environment and create a greener future for generations to come.

We recognize that sustainability is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance. We will regularly review and assess our environmental policies and practices to identify areas for enhancement and innovation.

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We help busy technology leaders recruit & grow the best teams in the Cloud & IT Infrastructure Solution Provider channel, whilst delivering exceptional service to candidates looking to build their careers.

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