Avoid Losing Top Cloud Talent to Counter Offers

Avoid Losing Top Cloud Talent to Counter Offers

How can you avoid losing top talent to counter offers?

Learn more about what you need to know about counter offers.

When they decide to leave, a whole world of opportunities opens up to them.

They’re a great fit for your business. You’ve sold them the opportunity, and how you can help them to realise their career goals.

Then when they hand in their notice, you lose them to a counter offer from their existing employer.

This is a story we’ve heard time and time again in a candidate-driven market as competitive as the cloud & IT infrastructure space.

IT solutions providers want the best cloud talent to build their teams, but lose them in the recruitment process when they are offered more money and a different dream and their current organisation.

In this guide we’re going to be covering three main areas:

  1. Why are counter offers so prevalent in our market?
  2. Should you offer employees counter offers?
  3. How to avoid losing candidates to counter offers
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