Post Content To Attract Hiring Managers And Recruiters


Post Content To Attract Hiring Managers And Recruiters

In a candidate market as busy as the IT Solutions & Services Provider space, standing out from the crowd is key.

One way to do that is to create and post Cloud & IT Infrastructure content.

But what should you post and why?

Owen Harris gives us his insights into posting content to attract hiring managers and recruiters:

“If you follow InfraView and the team on LinkedIn (if not, click here), you will see we’ve been posting regular updates on key recruitment topics to help candidates and clients get the most from the hiring process.

We do this in order to engage with our growing community of Cloud & IT Infrastructure professionals, as well as to expand our reach and give our insights to more and more people.

This concept is the same for candidates looking for Cloud & IT Infrastructure jobs.

Creating and posting content will help you to attract hiring managers and recruiters looking for top talent in the market.

What kind of content should you post?

Well there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but a blend of professional and personal interests works really well.

Professional content shows your passion for the Cloud & IT Infrastructure technology you work with every day, while personal content such as interests and hobbies helps to show you’re a real person and not a ‘robot’.

A blend of these themes will help you to stand out from the crowd in a busy candidate market.

Candidates we work with regularly use GitHub, YouTube, their own shows and tutorials, websites etc. There’s a whole range of hosting options for your content depending on what you want to achieve and what you’re comfortable using. The most important thing is that all of these content methods show your passion for your niche, your expertise, your motivation and drive.

If you love creating content then you can post as much as you like, but few and far between is also great.

Putting these on your CV and job applications will help you stand out from the crowd and give you the best chance of securing your next Cloud & IT Infrastructure job.”

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